Journal of Technical Physics

Instructions for authors

The periodical Journal of Technical Physics presents original papers which should not be published elsewhere.

The language of the journal is English. As a rule, the volume of a paper should not exceed 40 000 typographic signs, that is about 20 type-written pages, format: 210×297 mm, leaded. The papers should be submitted in two copies. They must be set in accordance with the norms established by the Editorial Office. Special importance is attached to the following directions:

  1. The title of the paper should be as short as possible.
  2. The authors should enclose an abstract (summary) of the paper. The volume of the abstract is to be about 100 words.
  3. The text should be preceded by a brief introduction. It is also desirable that a list of notations used in the paper should be given.
  4. The formula number consists of two figures: the first represents the section number and the other the formula number in that section. Thus the division into subsections does not influence the numbering of formulae. Only such formulae should be numbered to which the author refers throughout the paper, and also the resulting formulae. The formula number should be written on the left-hand side of the formula; round brackets are necessary to avoid any misunderstanding. For instance, if the author refers to the third formula in the set (2.1), a subscript should be added to denote the formula, viz. (2.1)3.
  5. All the notations should be written very distinctly. Special care must be taken to write small and capital letters as precisely as possible. Semi-bold type should be underlined in black pencil. For special symbols or type-faces, suitable explanations should be given on the margin of the manuscript.
  6. It has been established to denote vectors by semi-bold type. Trigonometric functions are denoted by sin, cos, tg and ctg, inverse functions - by arc sin, arc cos, arc tg and arc ctg; hyperbolic functions are denoted by sh, ch, th and cth, inverse hyperbolic functions - by Arsh, Arch, Arth and Arcth.
  7. References in the text of the paper should be given by Arabic numerals in square brackets. Items appearing in the reference list at the end of the manuscript should include the initials of the first name(s) of the author and his/her surname, and then the full title of the paper (in the original language of the paper and in English). Moreover:

    1. In the case of books, the publisher's name, the place and year of publication should be given, e.g.,

      1. S. Ziemba, Vibration analysis, PWN, Warszawa 1970.

    2. In the case of a periodical, the full title of the periodical, consecutive volume number, current issue number (when needed), pages from ... to ..., year of publication should be mentioned; the annual volume number must be in semi-bold type-face or should be marked in black pencil so as to distinguish it from the current issue number, e.g.,

      2. M. Sokołowski, A thermoelastic problem for a strip with discontinuous boundary conditions, Arch. Mech., 13, 3, 337-354, 1961.

  8. Figures should be provided as camera-ready originals. The authors are kindly requested to enclose the figures on diskettes, in separate files, in one of the following formats: PostScript or EPS, WMF, EMF, JPG, GIF, PCX, TIFF or BMP.

Upon receipt of the paper, the Editorial Office forwards it to the reviewer. His opinion is the basis for the Editorial Office to determine whether the paper can be accepted for publication or not.

The printing of the paper completed, the author receives 25 copies of reprints free of charge. The authors wishing to get more copies should advise the Editorial Office accordingly, not later than the date of obtaining the galley proofs.

The papers submitted for publication in the journal should be written in English. No royalty is paid to the authors.

Please send us, in addition to the typescript, the same text prepared on a diskette (floppy disk) 3½'' as an ASCII file, preferably in the TeX or LaTeX format, in Dos or Unix format.

Journal of Technical Physics
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