P. Koniorczyk, J. Zmywaczyk, M. Kowalski:
Effect of surface emissivity on reduction in thermal conductivity in
a view of simple analytical model and radiative transfer equation
E.J. Danicki:
Efficiency estimation of a contactless comb transducer
M. Aleksiejuk:
The picosecond ultrasonic waves in Au/V multilayers
R. Brojewski, B. Jakubiak, J. Jasiński:
Impact of the surface temperature and the zonal drift on the orographic bifurcation
and blocking in 2l-baroclinic model of the troposphere
Brief Notes
A.A. Vantsyan:
Magnetoelastic forced and free vibrations of ferromagnetic plates in direct
transverse or longitudinal electromagnetic fields
D. Rogula:
Extended Ginzburg-Landau theory of magnetically active anisotropic superconductors
J. Píchal:
Conversion of photographically recorded interference pattern into equidenses
- P. Koniorczyk, J. Zmywaczyk, M. Kowalski:
Effect of surface emissivity on reduction in thermal conductivity
in a view of simple analytical model and radiative transfer equation
The problem of modelling a `thickness effect curve' in semitransparent media, using
a simple analytical model based on division of the thermal conductivity thickness
dependence k(z) (for a sample thickness l) into three regions of
different widths, is presented in this paper. The limiting value of the sample thickness
llim is comparable (in our opinion) with the mean free path of a photon
and corresponds to its initial region of thermal conductivity expressed as an exponential
function of the absorption coefficient κ and sample thickness l. To validate
the proposed method, the results of analytical solution have been compared with the exact
solution of the 1-D model of coupled radiation and conduction heat transfer in an emitting
and absorbing medium.
Keywords: radiative-conductive heat transfer, reduction of thermal conductivity.
- E.J. Danicki:
Efficiency estimation of a contactless comb transducer
A simplified analytical model of comb transducer is
proposed to evaluate its efficiency when working through a
thickness-optimized air gap between the comb and the substrate.
The resonant condition in the air gap improves the transmission of
acoustic energy between the comb and the substrate. This results
in a better efficiency of the surface wave generation in the
substrate; its estimated value is about 1% per comb tooth.
- M. Aleksiejuk:
The picosecond ultrasonic waves in Au/V multilayers
A study of picosecond ultrasonic waves propagation in Au/V superlattices in period
30-120 ? is presented. Au/V structures were grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)
on MgO substrate. High-frequency ultrasonic waves in Au/V structures were generated by
using ultrashort laser pulse excitation and detected in real time by measuring the
strain-induced change in reflectivity with pump-probe technique. High-frequency
oscillations were detected over the first 150 ps. Series of the oscilations were
generated when therminated layer is made of the material with the lowest acoustic impedance
(vanadium for Au/V multilayer). The author attributes these oscillations to surface mode
localized in the frequency band gap of the dispersion curve.
- R. Brojewski, B. Jakubiak, J. Jasiński:
Impact of the surface temperature and the zonal drift on the
orographic bifurcation and blocking in 2l-baroclinic model of the troposphere
The paper presents a 2-layer baroclinic model of the troposphere in geostrophic
approximation that enables to obtain, after application of the Galerkin method,
a fairly simple low-parametric dynamic system describing the phenomena of nonlinear
interactions, bifurcations, blocking and auto-regulation in the atmosphere. It
enables to take into consideration such basic factors molding the atmospheric
dynamics like heat exchange with the surface, orography, vertical diversity of the
zonal drift and hydrostatic stability. Conditions of orographic bifurcation of the
model were investigated and confronted with the results obtained from a barotropic
model. Impact of the zonal thermal diversity of the surface and the vertical
diversity of the zonal drift of the troposphere on the orographic bifurcation was
assessed. Oscillation character analysis was made in the dynamic system after Hopf
bifurcation of the second kind.
- Brief Notes
- A.A. Vantsyan:
Magnetoelastic forced and free vibrations of ferromagnetic
plates in direct transverse or longitudinal electromagnetic fields
The experimental investigations of the problem of bending vibrations of magnetoelastic
and ferromagnetic plates are carried out. The amplitudes of displacements, velocities
and accelerations are evaluated and the corresponding curves as functions of the
magnetic field, longitudinal or transverse, are drawn. It is shown that they have
extremal character. Also graphs of frequencies of free vibrations of plates as
functions of magnetic field are given, what is in agreement with the spatial theory
developed by ourselves.
- D. Rogula:
Extended Ginzburg-Landau theory of magnetically active
anisotropic superconductors
A formulation of thermodynamical theory of magnetically active, anisotropic materials
admitting coexistence of the superconductivity and magnetic order is proposed. The
theory is based on the Ginzburg-Landau approach extended to multi-component order
parameters and the states of thermodynamic quasi-equilibrium far from the superconducting
phase transition. The field equations are derived under assumption of the (U(1)
gauge invariance. The questions of exact anisotropic similarity transformations as
well as approximate anisotropic scaling are discussed.
Keywords: superconductors, magnetic order, Ginzburg-Landau theory,
variational principles.
- J. Píchal:
Conversion of photographically recorded interference pattern
into equidenses
The paper presents a method simplifying the photographically registered interference
fringe contours or profiles. The classical, commonly used, laboured and time-consuming
method of fringe profile photometrical evaluation is replaced by a method of processing,
based on the Sabattier effect reducing the interference fringes to equidenses - locuses
of points of maximal density (of "blackening"). The described method substantially
speeds up the interference fringe evaluation and might be useful also in cases when due
to poor quality of the recorded interferogram, other methods of evaluation are in practice
Reprints of the full papers may be obtained from their authors.
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