S. Piekarski:
On the modified Fick law and its potential applications
K. Pawluk:
Integrals of Lipschitz-Hankel type in analysis of magnetostatic fields
T. J. Hoffmann D. Wróbel:
Extended phenomenological electrodynamics of dye-solvent mixture
V. Henč-Bartolić, E. Kovačević, H.-J. Kunze, M. Stubičar:
Laser-produced copper plasmas
B. Atamaniuk K. Żuchowski:
Charge fluctuation of dust grains and its impact on dusty wave propagation
J. Avsec:
Calculation of equilibrium and nonequilibrium thermophysical properties by means
of statistical mechanics
A. Ciarkowski:
Dependence of the Brillouin precursor form on the initial signal rise-time
A. J. Turski, B. Atamaniuk, E. Turska:
Fractional derivative analysis of Helmholtz and paraxial-wave equations
A. Chanda, J. Das:
Measures of complexity in wind direction
R. Brojewski, J. Jasiński:
Influence of the method of dry convection in the atmosphere modeling
on the dynamic properties of the model
- S. Piekarski:
On the modified Fick law and its potential applications
It can be observed that the standard
Einstein-Smoluchowski equation for isothermal processes can be written in the two
equivalent forms which, however, become distinct when the temperature becomes
spatially varying. Therefore, we have two different equations which could
potentially describe the flux of diffusing particles subjected to the potential
external forces and variable temperature. The first is the standard
Einstein-Smoluchowski equation, while the second is its modification containing
an additional term proportional to the temperature gradient. In order to fix the
terminology, the above mentioned modification of standard Einstein-Smoluchowski
equation shall be called "the modified Fick law". In this paper, we shall
discuss the origin of this equation and we shall try to make a preliminary
discussion of its solutions and potential applications to thermodiffusion. We
propose two models: one exploiting Onsager's thermodynamics and the second one
independent from it. Elementary solutions of both models are identical in the
limit of small concentrations.
- K. Pawluk:
Integrals of Lipschitz-Hankel type in analysis
of magnetostatic fields
A boundary-integral model of the static magnetic field
due to cylindrical permanent magnets that is put in free space is
considered. Magnetic scalar potential quantities created by a
virtual quantity "surface magnetic charge density" is expressed by
means of Lipschitz-Hankel integrals that for the considered case
are reducible (by the way of hypergeometric series) to some
algebraic expressions, in which elliptic integrals of various
kinds occur. This approach seems to be more effective than that
can be reached by the use of a typical professional software for
the field problems in which numerical integration, being not quite
conform to the considered case, is common. The magnet subjected to
the analysis has to be virtually subdivided in some number of
elementary pieces, inside of which the uniform distribution of the
inherent magnetization is supposed.
- T. J. Hoffmann D. Wróbel:
Extended phenomenological electrodynamics of
dye-solvent mixture
In the paper, the description of dynamics of the electromagnetic fields in
dye-solvent mixture in the concept of extended phenomenological electrodynamics
is presented. For the description of the structure of material, a phenomenological
model of the multi-component body is used. Such a model is based on the following
1) a body consists of many homogeneously (ideally mixed) different
components and
2) all components are located in each space point occupied by the body.
It seems that the dye-solvent mixture fulfils the above
phenomenological supposition for the multi-component body.
Dynamics of the electromagnetic field has been expressed in the
Lagrange--Hamiltonian formalism, and can be used in investigation
of the local electromagnetic field in dye-solvent mixture.
- V. Henč-Bartolić, E. Kovačević, H.-J. Kunze,
M. Stubičar:
Laser-produced copper plasmas
The Cu plasmas were produced by a ruby laser (5J, 694.3nm, 18ns, 140GWcm-2).
Time-resolved spectra of the plasmas were observed in the region of 8-24 nm. The electron
temperature was estimated to be about 40eV. A small depth of the crater (3μm) and the
surrounding ripples were observed at the Cu target surface. The trace of
deposited plasma was explained as the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Plasma was
transparent to the laser beam.
- B. Atamaniuk K. Żuchowski:
Charge fluctuation of dust grains and
its impact on dusty wave propagation
- In this paper we consider the influence of dust charge fluctuations on damping
of the dust-ion-acoustic waves. Fluid approximation of longitudinal electrostatic
waves in unmagnetized plasmas is considered. We show that for a weak acoustic wave
the attenuation depends on a phenomenological charging coefficient.
- J. Avsec
: Calculation of equilibrium and
nonequilibrium thermophysical properties by means of statistical mechanics
The paper features the mathematical model of computing equilibrium and
nonequilibrium thermophysical properties of state in the liquid and gas domain
for pure refrigerants and mixtures with the help of classical thermodynamics and
statistical thermodynamics. The paper features all important contributions
(translation, rotation, internal rotation, vibration, intermolecular potential
energy and influence of electron and nuclei excitation). To calculate the
thermodynamic properties of real fluid, the models on the basis of Lennard-Jones
intermolecular potential were applied. To calculate the thermodynamic properties
of real fluid by means of classical thermodynamics, we used the
Tillner-Roth-Watanabe-Wagner (TRWW) equation on the base of Helmholtz type. We
have developed a mathematical model for the calculation of all equilibrium and
nonequilibrium thermodynamic functions of state for pure
refrigerants. The analytical results obtained by statistical thermodynamics are
compared with the TRWW model and show a relatively good agreement.
- A. Ciarkowski:
Dependence of the Brillouin precursor
form on the initial signal rise-time
Propagation of a Brillouin precursor in a Lorentz dispersive medium is considered.
The precursor is excited by a sine-modulated initial signal, with its envelope
described by a hyperbolic tangent function. The purpose of the paper is to show how
the rate of growth of the signal affects the form of the Brillouin precursor. Uniform
asymptotic approach, pertinent to coalescing saddle points, is applied in the analysis.
The results are illustrated with numerical examples. Key words: Lorentz medium,
dispersive propagation, Brillouin precursor, uniform asymptotic expansions.
- A. J. Turski, B. Atamaniuk, E. Turska:
Fractional derivative analysis of
Helmholtz and paraxial-wave equations
Fundamental rules and definitions of Fractional Calculus are outlined. Factorizing
1-D and 2-D Helmholtz equations, four semi-differential eigenfunctions are
determined. The functions exhibit incident and reflected plane waves as well as
diffracted incident and reflected waves on the half-plane edge. They allow to
construct the Sommerfeld half-plane diffraction solutions. Parabolic-Wave Equation
(PWE, Leontovich-Fock) for paraxial propagation is factorized and differential
fractional solutions of Fresnel-integral type are determined. We arrived at two
solutions, which are the mothers of known and new solutions.
- A. Chanda, J. Das:
Measures of complexity in wind
In the present paper an attempt has been made to utilise two different forms of
complexity measures in directional change of wind. Two types of complexity
measures are average mutual information and multifractal dimensions. Four sets
of data have been studied. For each set, all the three measures have been
calculated. From the results, a comparative study of the properties of the two
measures of complexity vis-a-vis understanding the nature of complexity has been done.
- R. Brojewski, J. Jasiński:
Influence of the method of dry convection in the
atmosphere modeling on the dynamic properties of the model
This paper presents the problem of modeling dry convection in the atmosphere
based on scaling of the movement equations resulting from the assumption that
convection streams are mainly generated by the Archimedes draught force. This
approach leads to description of the atmosphere movement different than in the
Boussinesq approximation. The simplest case of Galerkin type equations in 3D
phase space was considered. The obtained equations have different dynamics than
the equations of the classical Lorenz model of dry convection. Lorenz model
dynamics is controlled by the configuration of 2 non-dimensional numbers, while
the dynamics of the proposed model is controlled by 3 numbers. It is presented
in the language of symbolic dynamics, illustrated with numerous examples -
indicating its different character than in the classical Lorenz model, among
others: different values of Rayleigh number for which the systems loose
structural stability.
Reprints of the full papers may be obtained from their authors.
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